Why Join?

Support our Work
Support our diverse initiatives aimed at connecting Croatian Americans, fostering the growth and development of future leaders, creating pathways for innovation, and ensuring success for generations to come.
Empower the Croatian-American community through your membership and donations, supporting impactful projects and initiatives like scholarships and mentorships.
Connect & Create Opportunities
Gain access to a curated network for discovering new business and investment opportunities, specifically aligned with your interests and professional goals.
Exchange Knowledge and Ideas
Engage in specialized online and offline events where you can exchange ideas, insights, and expertise with peers in your field, fostering both personal and professional growth.
Boost Your Visibility
Create a personalized profile in our exclusive members-only directory, offering direct connections with all ACAP members, and visibility to potential collaborators and partners.
Collaborate on Solutions
Take an active role in solving industry-specific challenges by creating or joining ACAP Committees, collaborating on innovative solutions with like-minded professionals.
Gain Recognition
Nominate and be nominated for awards that recognize outstanding contributions and achievements within the Croatian-American professional community.
Enjoy Exclusive Discounts
Enjoy special member-only discounts on annual conferences, social gatherings, and other ACAP-organized events, enhancing the accessibility of these enriching experiences.
Be Informed
Receive regular, customized updates about national events, local chapter activities, and annual conferences, keeping you informed and connected with the heart of our community.
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