Standing Committees

The purpose is to provide financial oversight for ACAP. Responsibilities include reviewing the organization’s financial statements and other financial data, assessing internal controls and accountability policies, as well as an annual internal audit.

Maria Sentic, Chair

Provide guidance to chapters, create checklists, and coordinate the expansion of ACAP chapters. Additionally, it oversees the recruitment, retention, member benefits, and overall satisfaction of ACAP members. The Committee performs needs assessments, plans, develops, guides implementation, and evaluates member programs to include benefits, services, and/or programs consistent with the ACAP mission.

Nikola Metes, Chair

The committee is responsible for implementation of sponsorship campaigns, as well as maintaining relationships with the existing sponsors throughout the year and the planning of the annual conference in tandem with the host chapter and local organizing committees.

Jasmine Golubic, Chair

The purpose is to prepare the budget and financial reporting for the organization, and to create internal controls and accountability policies.

Igor Matic, Chair

Discuss, plan, and coordinate external communications on both a national and chapter level. Coordinate with individual chapters to ensure consistent messaging and branding across all levels of the organization. Oversee the organization’s online presence, including the website, social media platforms, and email communications.

Katherine Sredl, Chair

Prepare a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors, coordinate and oversee the nominations process for the BoD elections. Coordinate and administer the ACAP Awards presented at the annual gala in conjunction with the annual conference.

Steven Pavletic, Chair
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