The show “Globalna Hrvatska” is a show on HTV that gives the latest news from Croatia and about Croatia in Spanish, German, and English. They connect the homeland and the emigrant of Croatia and inform the international public and Croats living abroad.
The topic of the latest episode was the joint efforts of 28 organizations in One Croatia Earthquake Relief Effort.
Steven Pavletic presented the funding priorities including the donation of an Emergency ambulance vehicle for Petrinja and an anesthesia machine for Sisak General Hospital in Phase 1 and the donation of Safety and basic equipment for volunteer firefighters, mountain rescue, and structural engineers in Phase 2.
The Association of Croatian American Professionals invites Croats from all over the world to offer their knowledge and experience in the reconstruction of the Banovina.
The guest of the show was the president of the G2 Meeting Association, Antun Kresimir Buterin.
The full broadcast you can watch on their website and through the following link.
Source: Globalna Hrvatska